it's words!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

and the muscular cyborg german dudes

I'm watching this Republican debate (replay), and it's striking how many of the things they say go unchallenged. Not that they're lying, or even that they're necessarily wrong, but that so much of it seems skewed and no one gets called out for it.

Just by way of example, citing statistics (without saying where they're from, which is an entire issue in and of itself) that say things like "the average American family saved $X thanks to Tax Cut Y." Averages are beautiful things. Let's say a hundred families make $80K a year and save exactly nil, while one family pulls down $10 million and saves a few hundred grand... well, that'll help out the average a lot.

It's also crazy how they're saying the economy is in fantastic shape despite two-thirds of Americans thinking otherwise. Again, they may not be wrong - I certainly think they believe what they're saying - but you've got to have a better way to communicate it than what is essentially this: "No... no, you're actually doing very well, you just don't know it. Why, look at the Dow!"


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